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County info

Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Kralja Tomislava 19b, 47000 Karlovac
tel. +385 (0)47 612 111
fax +385 (0)47 614 720

Contact person:
Josip Brezetić (jbrezetic@hgk.hr)

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Project Business zone "Maletići"
LocationBusiness zone "Maletići" is situated by the A1 (E65) Rijeka – Zagreb highway on the southern side of "Novigrad na Dobri" junction, at the first exit after Town of Karlovac in Rijeka direction, on the 9th kilometre from Karlovac.
The Business Zone is intersected by state road D6 which runs from the Republic of Slovenia – Metlika – Netretić - Novigrad na Dobri junction – Duga Resa.
Business Zone "Maletići" has excellent transport connectivity:
- it is located just before junction of the A1 (E65) Rijeka – Zagreb highway and Zagreb - Split highway.
- it is connected with of Slovenia through the road D6 and it is only 23km away from the border with Slovenia.
- it is just 50km away from the state border with Bosnia and Herzegovina (Maljevac border crossing).
The Zone is in the immediate vicinity of Town of Karlovac, and only 56 km away from City of Zagreb (capital of Croatia).
  • Karlovac County
  • DescriptionBusiness zone "Maletići" comprises 5.6 ha e.g. 156,000 m² of land. It offers the possibility of developing service, industrial and warehouse activities.
    The Zone is equipped with electricity infrastructure while other infrastructure has to be constructed.
    In the immediate vicinity of the construction land of the Zone there is an agricultural land of total area of 20,000 m2 which is also offered to a potential investor/ strategic partner.
    Economic category

    Business Locations

    Financial sources
    Estimated project value€,00

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for investor
    Looking for strategic partner
    Other infoThe construction land is owned by two companies (Vuksan nekretnine Ltd. and Terra promet Ltd.) which offer to the investor/ strategic partner following possibilities of cooperation:
    - to enter the project by acquisition of certain amount of the shares of the Vuksan nekretnine company and Terra promet company and to take on the whole project and its development
    - the whole land acquisition or acquisition of some parts of the land
    - long-term lease of the construction land
    - other forms of cooperation.
    The companies also own 20,000 m2 of agricultural land in the immediate vicinity of the construction land of the Zone. For agricultural land owners offer:
    - to enter the project by acquisition of certain amount of the shares of the companies
    - land acquisition
    - other forms of cooperation.

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusFull project documentation
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderVUKSAN-NEKRETNINE Ltd.
    ContactE-mail: vuksan-nekretnine@net.hr
    Web: www.poslovnazona.hr

    Other information
    Type of projectPrivate
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr