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Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Bulevar oslobođenja 23, 51000 Rijeka
tel. +385 (0)51 209 111
fax +385 (0)51 216 033

Contact person:
Blanka Kalokira (bkalokira@hgk.hr)
Gabrijela Milin (gmilin@hgk.hr)

Catalogue for Investors of Primorje-Gorski kotar County:

Print Map
Project Home for the Elderly Persons Kostrena
LocationMunicipality of Kostrena, settlement of Paveki, cadastral parcel 5225/1, cadastral district Kostrena Lucija
  • Primorje-Gorski kotar County
  • DescriptionThe Home for the Elderly and Infirm Persons Kostrena is a unique organisational environment for institutional and extra-institutional care, with the capacity/number of beds for around 150 users of all levels of functionality, including those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and users of geriatric palliative care.

    According to the analysis of key demographic indicators of the elderly population and the availability of accommodation capacities, the construction of the Home for the Elderly and Infirm Persons in Kostrena would reduce the lack of accommodation capacities in the Primorje-Gorski kotar County by 10%. The objective of the project is to improve social care and care for elderly and infirm persons within the institutional and extra-institutional care.

    The number of employees after the investment would be 77 (mostly female workforce), i.e. 55 nurses and caregivers and 22 other employees. The Home for the Elderly and Infirm Persons Kostrena will be built on a construction plot of 13,188 m2 in the settlement of Paveki, owned by the Municipality of Kostrena. The planned gross area of the building is 8,600 m2. The stories of the building are 2Su+P+2+Pk.

    The planned total building capacity provides for the following purposes:
    • housing part with 20 accommodation units (standard housing area with single and double rooms)
    • stationary part with a total of 66 accommodation units (single and double rooms)
    • stationary part for patients with Alzheimer’s dementia with a total of 20 accommodation units
    • stationary part for palliative care with a total of 11 accommodation units
    • day centre with a total of 3 accommodation units
    • office and service areas
    • technical areas
    Economic category


    Financial sources
    Estimated project value€11.250.000,00
    Financing descriptiveModel of public-private partnership and open negotiating possibilities.

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for investor

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusPartial project documentation
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderMunicipality of Kostrena
    ContactDražen Vranić, Mayor
    Municipality of Kostrena
    Sveta Lucija 38, 51221 Kostrena
    Phone: +385 51 209 000
    Fax: +385 51 289 400
    E-mail: drazen.vranic@kostrena.hr
    Web: www.kostrena.hr

    Other information
    Estimated start of project implementationThe contract on drafting the conceptual solution was concluded in February 2016. The start of construction is planned depending on the budget funds and the founder investor.
    Estimated duration of project in monthsThe projected length of the project depends on the budget funds and the founder investor. We anticipate a period of 3 years for construction.
    Type of projectPublic-private
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Linked files

    Image DSNO foto 2.jpg.jpg

    Image DSNO foto 1.jpg.jpg

    Image DOM ZA STARIJE - ortofoto s ucrtanom zonom.png.png