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County info

Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Trg Lj. Gaja 5, 49000 Krapina
tel. +385 (0)49 371 883, 371 885
fax +385 (0)49 371 884

Contact person:
Janja Kantolić (jkantolic@hgk.hr)

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Project Business lokation - Žutnica
LocationHR-Krapina, Croatia, Žutnica 4-6, 10 km from border crossing to Slovenia.
  • Krapina-Zagorje County
  • DescriptionThe industrial halls that are appropriate for production, finishing, storage etc. Complete area (open and closed free spaces) of approx. 100,000 sqm is ready for renting or joint projects with business partners. The area has complete infrastructure and communal facilities. Beside that, there is direct access to the motorway and few local roads. The objects are built on completely equipped construction land and are connected to the following infrastructure:
    - gas line
    - electric network
    - water supply system
    - sewage system
    - telephone connection
    - water reservoir – capacity 2 mil. liters
    - fuel reservoir – capacity 1 mil. liters
    Customs Office, customs storage, customs agents offices, parking place for trucks and manipulative areas are also available at the area. There is a possibility to send and deliver goods by rail since there is the railway track.
    Economic category

    Business Locations

    Financial sources

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for strategic partner
    Other infoThe owner of the space is interested in cooperation in the field of their program (manufacture and assembly of metal structures and parts of structures) and / or new programs with business partners that have the technology and the market. The owner is willing to invest the production/ warehouse space, infrastructure and employees. Possible forms of cooperation: to rent / to sell spaces or establish a new company, the joint venture.

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation status
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderJEDINSTVO KRAPINA Ltd.
    Mihaljekov Jarek 33, HR-49000 Krapina
    Contact person: Mr. Josip Mihalić, Director
    Phone: +385 (0)49 374 100, 374 111
    Fax: +385 (0)49 374 109, 374 199
    E-mail: jedinstvo@jedinstvo.com

    Other information
    Type of projectPrivate
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Linked files

    Image Location zutnica, Krapina (1).jpg.jpg

    Image Location zutnica, Krapina (2).jpg.jpg

    Image Location zutnica, Krapina (3).jpg.jpg

    Image Location zutnica, Krapina (4).jpg.jpg