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More information about the county:

Bulevar oslobođenja 23, 51000 Rijeka
tel. +385 (0)51 209 111
fax +385 (0)51 216 033

Contact person:
Blanka Kalokira (bkalokira@hgk.hr)
Gabrijela Milin (gmilin@hgk.hr)

Catalogue for Investors of Primorje-Gorski kotar County:

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Project Solar Center Kukuljanovo
LocationIndustry Park Kukuljanovo - Rijeka. The biggest and one of the most developed industrial zone in Croatia with developed infrastructural network, excellent distributional capacity (highway, internal railway conected with the railway corridor Rijeka-Zagreb-Budapest, close to the Port of Rijeka and Krk Airport).
  • Primorje-Gorski kotar County
  • DescriptionShopping center with solar plant.
    Shopping center (A) and Vehicle inspection station (B) with an integrated photovoltaic power plant. Access to buildings is solved via internal road with a roundabout, while all the buildings are encircled by roads. Parking spaces are distributed throughout the plot (majority in front of building "A"). Total surface area is 22.980,00 m2. The plot is located near the Rijeka-Zagreb motorway in the business and commercial zone R27 Kukuljanovo (distance from Rijeka - 15 km, Zagreb - 165 km). Building A - total gross area 8.490,00 m2. Building B - total gross area 2.200,00 m2.
    Building A: Shopping center
    Ground floor: supermarket + warehouse; 1st floor: shops, children's playground, restaurant and cafe bar with terrace
    Building B: Vehicle inspection station and offices
    Ground floor: vehicle inspection station, facilities and associated offices; 1st floor: offices (separate entrance on the north side of the building, independent from the entrance to the vehicle inspection station).

    On the roofs of buildings A and B a construction of photovoltaic power plant is planned.
    Photovoltaic power plant (1)
    Installed capacity: 0,5-1 MW. Photovoltaic panels would be the final and only roof coating and therefore it is neccesary to satisfy the physics of the building (min 0,30W/m2xk), be waterproof and airproof.
    Photovoltaic power plant (2)
    Orientation of the roofs is south-bound with photovoltaic panels tilting at approx. 15°.
    Total roof area (A+ B): 6.500 m2. Estimated annual production: 815.925 kWh. Technical specifications: nominal power - 741,75 kWp; module type: HJM250P-20 (250W); number of modules - 2.967; inverter type - Gefran APV 18K-4-TL-DM; number of inverters: 41
    Economic category

    Energy - Renewable Energy

    Infrastructure - Other

    Business Locations

    Financial sources
    Estimated value descriptivePlot 5.800.000 EUR
    Object 5.500.000 EUR
    Solar plant 1.500.000 EUR

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for investor

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusProject is in its initial phase
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderZONA GP ltd.
    ContactMs. Irena Andlar mag.oec
    Phone: +385 51 825 125
    Cell: +385 91 4047 181
    e-mail: irena@gec.hr

    Other information
    Type of projectPrivate
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Linked files

    Pdf solar centar kukuljanovo.pdf.pdf