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County info

Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Bulevar oslobođenja 23, 51000 Rijeka
tel. +385 (0)51 209 111
fax +385 (0)51 216 033

Contact person:
Blanka Kalokira (bkalokira@hgk.hr)
Gabrijela Milin (gmilin@hgk.hr)

Catalogue for Investors of Primorje-Gorski kotar County:

Print Map
Project Golf Course Dubina
LocationLocation Dubina in the Municipality of Jelenje is located on the western edge of Grobnik field, near the motorway Rijeka-Zagreb.
  • Primorje-Gorski kotar County
  • DescriptionGolf Course is the part of Sport and Recreational Centre that includes Motor Sport Race Track i.e. Automotodrom Grobnik, Sport Airport Grobnik and future County Sports Center Platak.

    Description of the project
    It is necessary to repair the gravel pit Dubina in order to protect the drinking water for the City of Rijeka. Due to the previously performed rehabilitation of the area of Dubina and by converting the greater part of the area in the golf course, there have been accomplished the qualitatively new conditions in the whole area in terms of effects on drinking water sources and therefore permanently prevented the uncontrolled and irresponsible actions.
    According to the interest, it will be elaborated a detailed Urban Plan and concerning the other project documentation. There are also made a Study of the Environmental Impact, Special Geodetic Background and Conceptual Design.
    Economic category


    Financial sources
    Estimated project value€10.500.000,00

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for investor

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusPartial project documentation
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderMunicipality of Jelenje
    ContactMunicipality of Jelenje
    Dražičkih boraca 64, 51218 Jelenje, Croatia
    Tel: +385 51 208 080
    Fax: +385 51 208 090
    E-mail: pisarnica@jelenje.hr
    Web: www.jelenje.hr

    Other information
    Type of projectPublic
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Linked files

    Pdf Golf Dubina_Eng.pdf.pdf

    Pdf Golf igralište Dubina.pdf.pdf