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County info

Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Trg Lj. Gaja 5, 49000 Krapina
tel. +385 (0)49 371 883, 371 885
fax +385 (0)49 371 884

Contact person:
Janja Kantolić (jkantolic@hgk.hr)

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Project Economic zone of the CIty of Zabok
LocationThe zone is located near the city of Zabok, between the railroad Zagreb - Varazdin and the A2 motorway Zagreb - Macelj.
  • Krapina-Zagorje County
  • DescriptionZabok Economic Zone extends to 170 hectares of land, bounded by the river Krapinica and railway Zagreb-Varazdin. Through infrastructural development Economic zone (construction of roads associated with the utility infrastructure) plans to attract businesses in the Zabok Economic Zone. In this way, plans to reduce unemployment and increase the income of the city. It is important to note that the Economic Zone part of the function and that many entrepreneurs started working thereby expanding the scope of potential business partners in the said zone.

    The funds from the city budget, with the support of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Economy, the zone continuously works on equipping the complete infrastructure in order for future users was soon available for use.

    Furthermore, the city approved 50% exemption of payment of municipal contributions to the construction of production facilities, and investors exemption from municipal charges for the newly built facilities in the zone and to 100% the first year, 50% the second year, 25% the third year, so that the full payment obligations arrives only four.
    Economic category

    Business Locations

    Financial sources
    Funding ensured (%)
    Financing descriptive100% - The City of Zabok with the support from the Ministry of entrepreneurship and crafts

    Project involvement possibility
    Other infoWe are looking for potential investors in the Economic zone.

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusPartial project documentation
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderCity of Zabok
    ContactCity of Zabok
    Zivtov trg 10, Zabok
    Tel: +385 49 587 777
    Fax: +385 49 587 757
    E-mail: zabok@zabok.hr

    Other information
    Estimated start of project implementationThe project is partially completed, and for the continuation of the same is necessary to secure the funds.
    Type of projectPublic
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Linked files

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