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Information about the county:

More information about the county:

Ulica Kralja Zvonimira 16, 53 220 Otočac
Tel: 053/771-001
Fax: 053/771-130

Contact person:
Frana Lokas-Mudrovčić (flokas@hgk.hr)
Irena Banić (ibanic@hgk.hr)

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Project Otočac Airport
LocationŠpilničko polje, Otočac
  • Lika-Senj County
  • DescriptionPreparation of project documentation for the project, which involves the construction of tourist infrastructure and equipping of the existing airport Otocac, with the aim of developing selective forms of tourism, using available natural resources and traffic, and the whole development of SMEs in the Townof Otočac and Gacka Valley. Construction of airport infrastructure is related to the construction and renovation of the administration building with control tower and technical facilities (including procurement of necessary equipment for the building and purchase of small sports aircraft and other equipment necessary for the functioning and operation of airports in accordance with the Law on Air Traffic.); arranging access roads and parking lots, building - decorating the apron, installation of two above ground fuel tanks for airplanes, works on the existing runway (grading, mowing, etc.), and also construction of substation, and a system of waterworks and drainage. The newly constructed administrative building, except for the mandatory unit of the airport, there will be also a business premises, which will be rented for the purpose of earning income necessary for the sustainability of the airport, where the purpose is the same for the accommodation of souvenir shops, restaurants, tasting rooms of local traditional products, Info center, travel agency, cafe's, etc. depending on supply and demand for them.
    Economic category

    Financial sources
    Estimated project value€600.000,00
    Financing descriptiveGiven that this is a great investment that is very complex and demanding, and town's own resources are limited , Town of Otocac as an investor is looking for sources of funding for this project, which includes the search for investors for this investment.

    Project involvement possibility
    Looking for investor
    Looking for strategic partner

    Preparation of project documents
    Documentation statusPartial project documentation
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr

    Project holder
    Project holderCity of Otočac
    ContactCity of Otočac
    Kralja Zvonimira 10
    53220 Otočac
    Contact person: Stjepan Kostelac, Mayor
    Tel.: 00385 53 771 176;
    00385 53 771-158
    E-mail: grad-otocac@gs.t-com.hr

    Other information
    Type of projectPublic-private
    For details please contact investicije@hgk.hr